Children's Ministry Lesson For March 7

Children Ministry News and Lesson

We will have our Tots class (ages 1-2 year old) up and running this Sunday.   The Tykes, Kids and Students will sit with their parents in the service but there will be activity sheets available in the back of the sanctuary.  Please email Mona at if you would like your 3 year-old to attend Tots this Sunday.

And now for this weeks Bible lesson...

Peter and Cornelius

This weeks story point...

The gospel is good news for everyone. As you talk with your kids, emphasize that God showed Peter that just as there is no “clean” and “unclean” food, there are no “clean” and “unclean” people. God calls believers to tell everyone the good news about Jesus, no matter who they are or where they come from. Jesus is the Lord of all.

Family bible reading verse...

Parents, I encourage you to gather together with your kids and read this month's Bible verse.  God's word provides comfort, wisdom and truth to all you read it!  

This week's video lesson...

Family Prayer Time

God, thank you for loving all people and sending Jesus so that anyone who believes in Him will be saved. Help us to love others because You love them and give us opportunities to tell them the good news about Jesus. Amen. 
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